To do
see issues:
- example(s) with addons and default templates (rljbase theme)
- example(s) with addons and default templates (rljstripes theme)
- How to create a child theme
- events
- settings
- ...
- cleaner structure for pages and sub pages
- Sitemap
- SEO field
- different content field types
- markdown
- wysiwyg
- layout
- set
- repeater
- rss feeds
- full-text search
- special chars in wysiwyg (รค = ä...) --> rljUtils addon
- fix interference, if field names are 'url', 'collection' or 'weight'
- search method AND - currently only OR
- advanced search
- snippet view
- pagination
- tags pages
- excerpt field - take content from content field
- multi level drop down menu (touch device friendly)
- static (or pseudo static) output
- ...