CpMultiplane Docs

created: modified:



Make also sure that $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] exists and is set correctly.



  1. Download/copy all files of the CpMultiplane repository into your web root.
  2. Copy .htaccess.dist to .htaccess.
  3. Download/copy Cockpit in a subfolder of your web root and name it cockpit.
  4. Make sure that the /cockpit/storage folder and all its subfolders are writable
  5. Open https://your-domain.com/cockpit/install in your browser or create the first admin user via cli.
  6. Download/copy additional addons

Now login with admin/admin, change your password and start your work.

via git

cd ~/html
git clone https://github.com/raffaelj/CpMultiplane.git .
cp .htaccess.dist .htaccess
git clone https://github.com/agentejo/cockpit.git cockpit
git clone https://github.com/raffaelj/cockpit_CpMultiplaneGUI.git cockpit/addons/CpMultiplaneGUI
git clone https://github.com/raffaelj/cockpit_FormValidation.git cockpit/addons/FormValidation
git clone https://github.com/raffaelj/cockpit_UniqueSlugs.git cockpit/addons/UniqueSlugs

Now open https://your-domain.com/cockpit/install in your browser or create the first admin user via cli:

cd ~/html
./mp account/create --user admin --password admin --email admin@example.com

via composer

cd ~/html
composer create-project --ignore-platform-reqs raffaelj/cpmultiplane .

Now open https://your-domain.com/cockpit/install in your browser or create the first admin user via cli:

cd ~/html
./mp account/create --user admin --password admin --email admin@example.com

If you use composer, Cockpit and the addons CpMultiplaneGUI, FormValidation and UniqueSlugs are installed automatically.

via docker

The docker image comes preinstalled with the quickstart routine of the "basic" template, with a default admin user (password: admin) and with dummy data from installed addons.

This is not meant for production use, but for local development.

docker pull raffaelj/cpmultiplane
docker run --rm -d --name cpmultiplane -p 8080:80 raffaelj/cpmultiplane

Now open your browser on localhost:8080 and see it in action.

with cpmp-lib-skeleton

If you want to have a clean document root, the cpmp-lib-skeleton comes in handy. Have a look at the README for more details.

mkdir my-project
cd my-project
# composer create-project --ignore-platform-reqs raffaelj/cpmp-lib-skeleton .
composer create-project raffaelj/cpmp-lib-skeleton .

# create default admin user
./mp account/create --user admin --password admin --email admin@example.com

local development with Docker

For local development, I normally mount CpMultiplane and Cockpit into my docker image raffaelj/php7-apache-base.

Folder structure:

├── data
│   ├── cp
│   │   ├── addons
│   │   |   ├── CpMultiplaneGUI
│   │   |   ├── FormValidation
│   │   |   ├── UniqueSlugs
│   │   |   └── ...
│   │   ├── config
│   │   |   bootstrap.php
│   │   |   config.php
│   │   └── storage
│   │       ├── cache
│   │       ├── data
│   │       ├── thumbs
│   │       ├── tmp
│   │       ├── uploads
│   │       └── ...
│   └── mp
│       ├── config
│       |   bootstrap.php
│       └── themes
│           └── my-child-theme
│   .env
│   .htaccess
│   defines_cp.php
│   defines_mp.php
│   docker-compose.yml
│   ...



# Expose 192.168.1.x:8080 to LAN for cross device testing



# This docker-compose file is meant for local development. Don't use it in production!

version: "3.7"


    # https://hub.docker.com/r/raffaelj/php7-apache-base
    # https://github.com/raffaelj/dockerfiles/tree/master/php7-apache-base
    image: raffaelj/php7-apache-base

    container_name: cpmultiplane

    # let apache create files and folders with your user_id:user_group_id
    # In my case, I'm the default user with id 1000 and I'm a member of the group with gid 1000
    user: ${DOCKER_USER:-1000}:${DOCKER_GROUP:-1000}

      # mount dev CpMultiplane and Cockpit repos
      - ${CPMULTIPLANE_REPO}:/var/www/html
      - ${COCKPIT_REPO}:/var/www/html/cockpit

      # mount data
      - ./data:/var/www/html/data
      - ./defines_mp.php:/var/www/html/defines.php
      - ./defines_cp.php:/var/www/html/cockpit/defines.php
      - ./.env:/var/www/html/.env
      #- ./.htaccess:/var/www/html/.htaccess

      # mount dev repos of addons
      - ${COCKPIT_ADDONS_REPOS}/cockpit_CpMultiplaneGUI/:/var/www/html/data/cp/addons/CpMultiplaneGUI
      - ${COCKPIT_ADDONS_REPOS}/cockpit_FormValidation/:/var/www/html/data/cp/addons/FormValidation
      - ${COCKPIT_ADDONS_REPOS}/cockpit_UniqueSlugs/:/var/www/html/data/cp/addons/UniqueSlugs

      - ${PORT:-}:80

    # apache can't start without that fix if the user was changed
    # see https://hub.docker.com/_/php/ (scroll down to "Running as an arbitrary user")
      - net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start=0


define('COCKPIT_ENV_ROOT', str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', realpath(__DIR__.'/../data/cp')));


define('MP_ENV_ROOT', str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', realpath(__DIR__.'/data/mp')));